Suncream Stations in Early Education

To encourage self help and also to assist with your sun policy we have created this great weatherproof sign is perfect to leave outside where you have set up your suncream station(don't forget to see our Acrylic Sun Safety Mirror which will complement it very well.

Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world and sun exposure during childhood significantly increases the risk of developing skin cancer and melanoma. Sand, concrete and water can reflect up to 85% of sunlight and intensify exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Children’s centre staff and centres can play a vital role in the long- term prevention of skin cancer and in teaching healthy sun habits to young children, and are responsible for preventing and reducing the risks from excess sun exposure while children are in their care

Apply sunscreen in the amount according the instructions on the bottle.

• Be aware that sunscreen should be applied to clean, dry skin, 20mins before children go outside and should be reapplied every 2 hours if children continue to play outdoors.

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