Baby Bottle Preparation Area

Safe Food Handling practice includes having a designated area for preparation of bottles for children under 2.

We have made this vinyl sticker to assist with this

Use the following principles in preparing infants’ bottle feeds:

1. Store bottles of milk in the refrigerator, do not store in the door of the refrigerator.

2. Use only sterilised bottles and teat assemblies for all infant feeds.

3. Wash hands before preparing or handling expressed milk or formula.

4. Prepare formula strictly according to instructions on the container.

5. Do not use a microwave for heating expressed breast milk, formula milk, or any bottled milk or fluid.

6. Warm bottles by standing in warm/hot water.

7. Warm infant milk bottles only once.

8. Test the temperature of the milk on your wrist before giving it to the baby.

9. Discard any unused infant milk leftover after each feed or that has not been consumed by the infant after 30 minutes.

10. Infants must be held when feeding, do not feed infants when they are lying down.

11. In choosing a method of heating babies’ bottled milk and sterilising bottles and teats, utilise risk management principles to determine which method will best minimise risks to both children and staff.

• For sterilising bottles and teats: - wash first in soap and water and rinse with water, - if using a microwave, use purpose designed containers, and if using a microwave or other sterilising device, use according to manufacturer’s instructions, - if using a cold water steriliser, use and dilute according to manufacturer’s instructions and store securely out of access by children when not in use.

Use the following guidelines in relation to bottled breast milk:

1. ensure bottled breast milk is always labeled with the child’s name, mother’s name and the date it is expressed,

2.breast milk can be stored in the refrigerator for 48 hours and in a deep freezer for up to 3 months,

3.frozen breast milk can be thawed by placing in either cool or warm water, don’t put in boiling water or use a microwave as the milk will curdle, shake the bottle if the fats and milk have separated,

4. thaw under running water, start with cold water then increasingly warm water and test the temperature of the milk on your wrist before giving it to the baby, - throw away any unused breast milk, do not refrigerate or refreeze breast milk once it has been thawed or heated.

After use, rinse teats and bottles with water, wash in hot soapy water, rinse with water, then sterilise them by using a cold water chemical steriliser, following the manufacturer’s instructions, then air dry. 

Additional information is available at

1 comment

  • Jeanie Masterson

    Fantastic blog so informative and so helpful. So many things to think about and your company gives people the opportunity to have it out there in print
    Well done to PDF Education.

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