Sticker: Epipen Located Here


Sticker: Epipen Located Here

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Dimensions: 155mm (W) x 165mm (H)

It is vital that the Epipen can be located in a hurry when required so we have created this vinyl safety sticker. Being vinyl it can be displayed indoors or outside.  

This resource aims to assist with Quality Area 2. Supporting The National Allergy Strategy  best practice guidelines

Click here to see other Safety resources

Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergic reaction and is potentially life threatening. It must be treated as a medical emergency, requiring immediate treatment and urgent medical attention.

Anaphylaxis is a generalised allergic reaction, which often involves more than one body system (e.g. skin, respiratory, gastro-intestinal and cardiovascular). A severe allergic reaction or anaphylaxis usually occurs within 20 minutes to 2 hours of exposure to the trigger