Metal : Music Garden


Metal : Music Garden

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Dimensions: 190mm (H) x 560mm (W) 

outdoor use. ACM is environmentally responsible printing material that is produced using recycled materials.

Click here to view full range of Garden Resources

◗ Music is important to help build children’s brains – it uses both sides of the brain and helps children build critical neural pathways in their brains.

◗ Music improves children's memory, cognitive development, learning skills and the ability to express themselves. Music also improves the children's physical skills

◗ Music is a key building block for literacy and for numeracy. It expands children’s vocabulary and helps in speech recognition and learning mathematical concepts.

◗ Music helps children learn how to use and move their bodies through playing instruments and dancing.

◗ Music helps children meet the outcomes of the learning frameworks – shared songs and dances help children interact with others and help children forge their identity.

◗ Music helps build social skills such as taking turns and playing together.

◗ foster children’s language and hearing skills

◗ children to express themselves

◗ promote motor skills (from the fine motor skills to play an instrument to the gross motor skills of dancing

◗ create intimacy between a child and their educator

◗ expand babies’ communication

◗ create a sense of belonging

◗ create fun! It can make both educators and children happier.